Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bad day after weigh in!!!!

OK Deep breathe, heavy sigh. This has been a very hard day in my body and mind.

I woke this morning all positive about my weight.
I jumped on the scales and couldn't believe my eyes. I tried again. I double checked the numbers.
I was so stunned. I had only lost 200 grams. So little.
I had done everything right. I had done some sort of exercise each day. I had kept to my allowed daily points I had not used my weekly points except for 2 of them. I was blown away with disappointment.
I went to work, I thought all day about this. How it happened, what I did wrong, why me etc
I spent a long time thinking why me, I failed, then the excuses why I should carry on with WW.
After work I came home, had a drink of coffee and then went for a long walk alone.
I walked fast, I did 5 ks walking for over 1 hour. I kept telling myself any loss was good, but then the fat devil on my left shoulder said negative things to bring me down.
I kept saying any loss is a good thing, that in the long run it will balance out.
That my body feels different, better, my clothes are fitting better and I am more flexible.
I came home from the walk. I was feeling better, not great but now know its a good loss.
Going to look at how I ate my foods, what time and what mix of food. I will keep it up, I like WW, I like how I feel.
Not what my scales made me feel like this morning. I am more intense about WW now. I will succeed. I am not a failure I lost weight, I LOST WEIGHT this week.

my thoughts, my feelings, my body image. My little angel and devil.

Right shoulder Jillian, left shoulder old fat me/devil

This I thought though-out the day yesterday. My last day of week two.

I can feel the pressure of weigh in .
I can feel my mind finding excuses to fail.
Do I like to fail?
Feel like a failure.
Do I like not liking my self image?
Or what is this all about, my thoughts.
I know I can do it.
WW is easy, so much food choices, why then the fat angel.

Trying not to give up

I have been good all week. Unlike last week. Yet I only lost 200 grams. Why? I went to gym and really sweated. I walked twice. I ate healthy. Iwas positive I would lose like my first week on weight watchers. But oh I was so disappointed this morning when I weighed in.
Why I cried?
All thru the day I have played it out in my mind. Disbelief turned to being really peeved off at both me and WW!!!

Yet I stuck to my points. I ate good. I drunk my water.
I will go for a nice walk today alone to regroup myself.

I must believe what I say. My words must mean something to me.
A loss is a loss,no matter the number.

Do not find an excuse to fail.
Don't fall into my lives pattern, but change it.

I will loss next week too

Weight started at
85.1 kgs Weight started
83.8 kgs week 1. Weigh in
83.6 kgs week 2 weigh in

We will talk again

Monday, September 26, 2011

Two days till third weigh in

I am nervous. I try not to make excuse.
This week I have no over eaten. I have been to gym and walked the roads.
My body is sore, but my clothes feel bigger on me. My imagination??
My sister is very supportive, my partner has started WW also.
Its easier with others around you doing it too. When you have doubts they are there to
support and help you.

I look forward to my weigh in, but also nervous.
I will be happy with half kg weight loss.

we will see.

Thoughts on my body image tomorrow.

Second weigh in.

Week 1..

I did 4 days at the gym, 30 mins walking on the treadmill. Between 2 to 3 kilometers
I did 2 days road walking, 50 mins .

I ate 29 points 5 days and on Friday and Saturday I also ate some of my bonus points. First day I ate out and miss calculated how many points in a meal plus I over ate. I was full but it tasted so nice and I over ate.
Second day I was at a baby shower and did not plan before going. I was so hungry I ate alot of cheeze and pudding. But I did not use any more points than what I was allowed for the full week.

My weigh in.. nervously I stood on the scales. I wasn't sure I really believed Weight Watchers would work for me. Especially after I over ate two day s in the row.
Well surprise surprise I weighed in at 83.8 kgs.
I LOST 1.3 kgs in the first week.. omg I was so buzzed with the weight loss.

Stop making excuses for being fat!!!!

On Wednesday the 14th September 2011 I weighed myself and I was 85.1 kgs. I looked fat, I was so unhealthy and I lived on excuses why I was like this.
An excuse for over eating and not exercising. I could find thousands of excuse why I should sit down and eat well actually overeat my way to being obese.

Well today I was going to do something about this problem.
1 I was going to stop making excuses for my over eating.
2. I needed a better way of learning how to eat to meake me health.

My sister had joined Weight Watchers last year and had lost 20 odd kgs in 9 months. She is looking so good and is in better health.
She would talk to me about WW and I would say its not for me, I am too busy to do that, I can't afford to pay for the meetings. Oh but I could afford to buy fast foods or eat twice as much as my body needed each day.

Then I weighed myself and decided to give it a try. I read up on it. I joined online and got the iphone pro point counter application.
I was all ready.
Wednesday I jumped on the scales and looked down. OMG I hated the numbers I saw.

Ok 85.1 kgs.